A regular episode of Grey's Anatomy is bad, but an episode of Grey's Anatomy that rips off Lost is much, much worse.
So Grey's Anatomy sucks. Why can't Ronald Miller just be Ronald Miller? Why can't Robin just be Robin? Why can't the black guy from the The Practice just be the black guy from The Practice? Why can't Rocky Dennis just be Rocky Dennis? Why is there only one asian doctor and no asian patients in a Seattle hospital? Maybe I shouldn't ponder the imponderable?
Anyway, since I'm just re-hashing old garbage (like the producers of Grey's Anatomy) here are some pics I have previously posted of Rosie.

That was one of the best blogs ever.
You definately missed some great TV, My Name is Earl was one of the best yet and The Office definately had some classic moments.
My favorite part of Earl was when Randy sucked in a balloon and started dancing a song in a high squeaky voice until someone told him there wasn't helium in the balloons.
Dancing a song, huh...Anyway, I love(d)Grey's Anatomy last season and was excited for the comeback, but the ripoff with the flashbacks kind of made me mad. So, I will give you that and say I feel sorry for you. You missed one of the most awkward moments ever captured on tv when Michael kissed Oscar. It was painfully funny.
I tried to show him how Michael did the kiss, but it wasn't as funny. But my reenactment of Joy getting Ferris Buellered was award winning.
And the good news, John, about Grey's Anatomy, is that was just episode 1. You've got the whole season left!!
You are in luck! We happen to have those episodes saved on a little thing called TIVO. Seriously we will allow you to come over and watch them if you would like... You do need to bring popcorn and candy though as an admission fee.
My hubs hates GA and he goes in the other room when it is on. You, on the other hand, seem to be watching it despite your vocal hatred for it. I think you secretly love it. You can't resist McDreamy any better than the rest of us can!
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